Hooray for piano lessons, my group classes at the Community Music Center are mostly full, some with waiting lists!!! I spoke with Kelly Bechtell, Registrar Czar yesterday, and he informed me that I have room for 2 or 3 more students in a few group classes at CMC. The students in these classes have all had at least 3 months of lessons. Call CMC for the schedule.
Scheduling can be an issue in a busy family's life and you may not be able to find a class that fits your schedule. And while CMC is an amazing place, but I have been doing some research and there are many amazing teachers and music schools in Portland!
Here is what I discovered:
Within the Portland Parks and Recreation system, many community centers offer private piano instruction. If you live in S.E. Portland, Woodstock, Sellwood and East Portland Community Center are nice facilities with private piano lessons. Go to: http://www.portlandoregon.gov/parks/39839
or call: 503.823.PLAY (7529) for more information.
I spoke to Joanna at Harmony Road in Clackamas. She told me they do have openings for winter term. Harmony Road offer a comprehensive music program using the European fixed "do" method. They teach in a classroom, small group setting. You can find out more information about their program at: http://www.harmonyroadoregon.com/
or call: 503.557.5151 for more information.
I spoke with Danielle at Ethos Music Center in North Portland. She told me they have openings for winter term. Ethos offers group piano lessons and private lessons. And if you qualify for reduced or free lunch, you can bring your award letter into Ethos and they will give you discounted lessons. For more information about Ethos, please visit their site at: http://ethos.org/about/general-info/
or call: 503.283.8467 for more information
Winter term at the Community Music Center begins 01/07/2013. If you would like to take a class at CMC, but the class you desire is full, you are welcome to call and sign up for the waiting list. Sometimes students drop out, especially as we head into spring sport season. Their phone number is: 503.823.3177.
For more information about CMC, or to look into other music classes, you can also go to their website: http://communitymusiccenter.org/
Let's keep the music going! :)
Teacher Zita