We are half way through spring term, the school year is screeching to a halt!
I've been riding Amtrak from Salem to Portland now for 4 months. It has been an adventure, and amazingly I have not only survived, but I have had many pleasant moments!
One of my greatest pleasures as a piano teacher is watching my students perform. I am so grateful that most of my students truly enjoy performing and don't suffer the debilitating stage fright that I did as a child.
One key (pun intended), to empowering young musicians is to allow them to select music that they love. This will inspire them to practice and then give them pride when they perform. Plus, when we truly love the music we play, this energy is transferred through the music to the audience. We all benefit!
I have three dates scheduled for piano recitals. They will all be held at the Community Music Center as usual.
The dates are:
Sunday, May 11th at 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, May 25th at 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, June 15th at 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Note: The 5:30 session is reserved for more advanced students. Ask me if you are unsure which recital would be a good match for you.
Hope to see you there. Happy Practicing! :)
Teacher Zita