I am thrilled to say that I am able to offer a piano blues camp this summer at the Community Music Center! It will be at the end of summer rather than beginning because of scheduling conflicts. But we are in!
This is one of my favorite classes to teach. No music reading. We learn the blues scale and chords. We listen, create and jam! Most of all we have fun! Here is the blurb that will appear in the CMC catalog:
Blues Jefferson M-F 12:00 PM-2:00 PM 4 8/22-8/25
age 9-13 Playing the 12-Bar Blues makes you happy! Use simple
chords & scales to create original compositions at the keyboard.
Listen, improvise, jam with others, & solo in this uniquely
American style. Pick up basic music theory & history along the way
while gaining confidence in practice & performance. Prerequisite -
one year of group lessons or the equivalent. This class uses digital pianos that simulate acoustic
grands. Students bring a nutritious, peanut free snack each day."
If you are interested, call 503.823.3177.
Teacher Zita