Thursday, May 30, 2013

End of Spring Term!!

Dear Students, Parents and Friends:

Can I get a "Yippee!  Almost summer!!"?? :)

For my piano students who performed last Sunday, May 26th at the end of the year recitals:  BRAVO!!! I am a very proud teacher.  You all played so beautifully from your heart.  Best recitals ever!!

I have two more recitals coming up on June 9th. One at 6 p.m. and one at 7:30 p.m. The 7:30 recital is for nonbeginners.

Important Stuff
  1. Spring term for private piano students ends Friday, June 14.
  2.  Summer term is July and August.
  3. Spring term for CMC students ends Saturday, June 8th, unless you have a makeup class, then it will be Saturday, June 15th.
  4. I am teaching a Piano Blues Camp again this summer!  It runs the week of June 17-21. I believe there are still openings! Call CMC at 503.823.3177 for more info.
  5. I am taking requests for summer piano lessons.

    My availability will be:
    Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri and Sat mornings (late mornings)
    Tue, Thur and Sat afternoons.  I have some kids scheduled Sat 1 to 3:30 and a few other students during the week, but am pretty open otherwise. :) Let me know if you would like me to reserve a time!. Thank you
  6. Keep the music going!   Teacher Zita :)

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